Lizards are undoubtedly the uninvited guests who enter your house and climb your walls as you lounge on the couch. Being nocturnal animals, they feed on insects and have become widely common in every house. They might not be poisonous but have the potential to spread dangerous bacteria. You might even come in contact with their droppings as they excrete and possibly become sick. Having one or two lizards in the house may not be risky. But if your house has been infested entirely, then we at S2S Pest Control can help you out.

lizard pest control

What Are the Lizard Pest Infestation Affects?

Lizard infestation may not seem like a serious issue. But in reality, it can cause a variety of issues that can impact in a negative manner. Some of these effects include the spread of harmful bacteria called salmonella. This can result in serious sickness and is spread by urine and feces. Severe diarrhea, cramping in the stomach, fever, and vomiting are some of the symptoms. This might be a deadly infection for people whose immune systems are compromised.

What Are the Lizard Pest Control Costs at Our Services?

Have you discovered a lizard infestation in your basement? Are there multiple lizard eggs being laid and ready to hatch? Well, instead of freaking out, you can contact us. We at S2S Pest Control offer exclusive lizard pest control services at cheap rates including



Guarantee Period 

1BHK-Lizard Pest Control  

Rs.1399 for two service

3 months guarantee

2BHK-Lizard Pest Control  

Rs.1599 for two service

3 months guarantee

3BHK-Lizard Pest Control  

Rs.1799 for two service

3 months guarantee

4BHK-Lizard Pest Control  

Rs.1999 for two service

3 months guarantee

Lizard Pest Control  2000-3000 Sqft

Rs. 2499 for two services

3 months guarantee

Lizard Pest Control  2000-3000 Sqft

Rs. 2999 for two services

3 months guarantee


How Can Lizard Pest Control Help?

If you want to get rid of the lizards that have occupied your space, then come to us at S2S Pest Control. We are the leading service providers having years of experience and expertise. With a team of knowledgeable experts, we employ extensive and cutting-edge technologies to eradicate the pest. In addition to this, we use government approved and environmental as well as pet-friendly products. Also, we offer a free inspection, free estimation as well as a guarantee on the services offered. It is our core focus to offer services that ensure a hassle-free experience. All our customers can do is relax as we carry out the procedure.

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